Sign language

When Diana Rein received higher education in college in Rochester, her specialty is working with children who have had various violations, denying their ability to communicate well. For six years she worked in the various schools of New York State, teaching kids with speech pathology in sign language, and thus giving them the opportunity to engage in full contact with their peers and adults.

Only two years ago, she thought that it would be possible to teach language and healthy children. "This gives great effect Diana says on its innovations-kids, students studying sign language, grow faster, before beginning to speak, then read and write." Education starts in 6-7 months, and as a result has not yet speaks child can clearly express their desires and emotions.

Young parents sometimes have difficulty understood their kids, take such classes at Hooray", and then Diana decided to go beyond the home campus. She adapted material for classes online and opened site. Inspired success of this form of learning, Rein joined its expertise and established courses, which allow the passage wishing to teach kids sign language itself. Courses are $ 149 and are furious popular.