Soapy millions

Amilya Antonetti in 1993 gave birth to a son David, but soon replaced by despair - joy baby constantly crying from the pain. Then he began breathing problems and skin. Nobody could understand that it happens. No one can relieve the suffering of a child.

Then Amilya start to a detailed diary to determine why there - she recorded everything that happened in detail. Results are not forced to wait: David started shouting on Wednesday, a day when the house was cleaned. Comprehensive records as taking and the reason is the chlorine and ammonia were from the cleaning. Cleaners appear respiratory tract and skin, and the baby started crying. Amilya rid itself of them and the child is finally finished.

Amilya went further, it began a detergent without using synthetic-old recipes and using only natural products, it has created an entire line of products: washing up, cleaning carpets, for washing the floor. All these funds are not appear sensitive David. And then Amilya decided to release these products on the market.

All started in the garage, where Amilya made its first steps. Start a family of capital accumulation and easy credit card. In the first year of advertising has been spent or penny-all purchased on the recommendation of "Friends. Soapworks to date has earned 10 million dollars and is a rapidly growing firm.